Jillian Cardinal

The Eventprofs Book Club


When she was little and attending her brother’s soccer games, Jillian would walk with her head held high up to a group of unfamiliar kids, hold out her snack, and say: “Hi I’m Jillian. Would you like an M&M?… Would you like to be my friend?” And so began Jillian’s lifelong love of networking, relationship building, and confidence.

Jillian is at her best and most sparkly when meeting new people, presenting what she is passionate about, brainstorming new ideas, collaborating and creating magic as a result. She is insatiably curious and learn quickly with the ability to synthesize material and make it understandable and engaging for others. She comfortable in the spotlight and loves to help others shine as well by making sure voices are heard and acknowledged as well as showing the importance of self-promotion and confidence.

Jillian started The Eventprofs Book Club which combines her passion for people, discourse, ideating, discussion, facilitation, and books! What began as an idea not too long ago is ever evolving and is now a true virtual event and growing community!
